Importance Of Learning Tajweed

Learning Tajweed is the most important subject when starting your journey in learning Quran.

Learning how to read or memorize the Quran is not just about mimicking what you hear but giving each letter its right and that is done by learning Tajweed. Tajweed rules were put together to help us refrain from performing any major or minor mistakes. Some scholars even said that learning Tajweed is obligatory, Al- Imam Al-Jazaree said:

“It is certainly compulsory upon them (a person whose learning Quran) before starting recitation to know the origin of the letters and their characteristics so they can pronounce it in the most eloquent way, becoming proficient in Tajweed and that which has been written in the mus’haf.”

The shaykh also said in the same book:

“The application of Tajweed is indeed necessary; He who does not rectify his recitation is a sinner, because with Tajweed, Allah has revealed the Quran and in this matter from Him, it has reached us. It is also the adornment of recitation, the beauty of recitation and reading. Tajweed is to give each letter its right as regards every attribute, its demands, returning each letter to its origin without a burden, and with ease in pronunciation. And there is nothing between applying Tajweed and leaving it except the practice of that person with their jaws.”

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